Our achievements and Clients

Our company provides health and safety services on the basis of one-off orders or permanent contracts. See the list of our clients.

HS Support
HS documentation
HS supervision
on construction sites
Initial and
periodic training

Occupational HS Support

Advantages of outsourcing

Outsourcing is becoming an increasingly popular form of business cooperation. Businesses, instead of creating their own internal H&S Departments and employing specialists, prefer to liaise with experts from outside the corporation. Why? Purely, because it is more cost effective. However, there is other reason too.

When you start cooperating with us, you can be sure that our specialists will do everything they can to solve your problem. Our clients also appreciate our experience, professionalism and objective approach. By offering you our support, we also provide you with necessary trainings, carry out health and safety audits, we make sure all your documentation is up to date and in order.

Clients who we currently work with or who used to work with us:

Creating HS documentation

Documents under control.

Regulations change constantly, and with it – the documentation. Clients who want to be sure that their health and safety documentation is up to date, correctly created, outsource this task to us.

Businesses, which we currently prepare documentation for or which we created it for:

HS supervision on construction sites

Safe investments.

Construction sites, in particular those large ones, with specialized facilities, are places with increased risk of accidents. Therefore, investors, both Polish or foreign, are well aware that ensuring appropriate working conditions on the construction site is a priority. On one hand it is about safety of the employees- workers who are ensured adequate working conditions, feel more confident and work more efficiently. On the other hand – it is about being a good employer.

Our specialists take care of safety on various types of construction sites, ranging from industrial investments, warehouses, as well as wind farms or subway.

We had an opportunity to work with:

Initial and periodic training

Basic Occupational Health and Safety knowledge

Until recently, initial training most often took place on the client’s premises or in our training room.

Currently online training is the most common way. It is usually cheaper and more convenient, but at the same time just as valuable, which is confirmed by both – our observations and the opinions of our clients.

Businesses, for which we currently carry out initial or periodic trainings or those we served in the past:

Thematic training

Deepening Occupational Health and Safety knowledge

Significant number of employers is aware that deepening their employees’ knowledge about, for example, first aid, road safety, ergonomics, work in confined spaces, brings measurable results.

The true is, initial training is not enough for all the information to be remembered forever, therefore, it is very important to refresh it and strengthen it in the areas which are the most crucial for safety in particular business.

Businesses, we conducted thematic trainings for:

Are you looking for a company that will fully implement the health and safety rules in your company?

You are in the right place. Contact us and we will certainly answer all your questions, we will offer appropriate training, or we will carry out health and safety supervision of your investment.

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BHP Consulting
Dworcowa 42, 09-402 Płock
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+48 24 263 45 69
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